4 Tips to Prepare for Your Team's Return to Work
As COVID-19 restrictions are starting to ease around Victoria, we are getting back into the rhythm of things and are preparing for our long-awaited return to the office! Whether it's making sure workplaces are covid-safe or accommodating for a workforce that has operated remotely for the most part of 2020 and 2021, we've put together a checklist to help.

1. Business Growth
Chances are your team has grown over the last year – and in most cases, this may be the first time your new team members are meeting in person. Besides adding extra workstations or adjusting seating plans, organising social events and 1-on-1's over coffee are great ways to support this transitional period and boost collaboration.

2. Social Distancing
Ensuring that your employees feel safe is key. You may look to do this by adapting collaboration spaces, hot desks or meeting rooms. On top of that, installing workstation barriers can help add that extra layer of protection and also work well for soundproofing.

3. Heating, cooling & ventilation
Clean air is just as important as social distancing measures when keeping workplaces COVID-safe. Have you considered if there are windows to regulate airflow? Does your business need to purchase an air purification device? Are your building's heating and cooling system working as it should?

4. Your employees
Last and certainly not least, your employees. The post-pandemic working environment will not be the same as the one you had left. Returning to the office can be daunting to some, and things like privacy and productivity can be vastly different in the office as they are at home. Does your office have quiet rooms to retain privacy? Or perhaps your office space needs a refresh with some new lighting or greenery. Either way, you want to create a place that employees are comfortable and excited to return to.
Need a hand?
If you're not sure where to start, our team can help! Whether your entire office needs an upgrade or if it's a few extra workstations & quiet rooms, we'd love to hear from you and help bring your ideas to life. So drop us a line on on 1800 434 868 or email info@canopyfitouts.com.au.