Andros Barker's
Café Fitouts
$165,000 -
8 weeks
Andros Barker's is a family-owned food and beverage manufacturer originating from France , specialising in making authentic fruit and dairy products, frozen desserts and sweets. And like their products, they hoped to open a café fitout that evoked the same feelings – fresh, welcoming and hearty. Read on to see how we designed and built a hybrid café/retail space, to showcase our client's trusted brand.

There was a distinct identity associated with the Andros Barker's brand, whereby their customers saw their products as light, fresh and natural– we sought to reflect this in our café fitout colour palette selection where muted blue and green hues were used across joinery and seating areas. Complementary to the colour palette and abundance of natural light, we opted for organic elements inclusive of timbers and greenery.